Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gearing up for the next big step

A fun run last weekend trying to beat the thunderstorms while trying to squeeze in my eighteen miler.
Managed to do pretty well, only got caught for the last four miles at which point it was a welcome cooling off.
The renewed week of training went well, sticking to the scheduled mileage without any undue stress, the building up process is going in the right direction.

Of course this weekend did have somewhat of a break for my birthday and with the 38 year milestone passed now it's on to the 40 mile mark next Saturday. Heading off to Wartrace, TN for the Strolling Jim 40 Mile Run. Have to say that I love one of the race directors comments "One rule of Ultrarunning is this - if you want something specific while on the race course, it's best to plan for it and bring it yourself. That way you'll KNOW it's there!". Yes this race will have relatively few aid stations so bring it if you want it. Toughen up time. The good news is that this will be another good practice for Leadville with, the aid stations at Miles 13, 21, 29, and 35. A few more than will be in Leadville but leaning in the right direction.
Reading up on the website about the race it's a rather relaxed affair with a lot of repeat runners, always a sign of a well organized event with a good buzz about it. Also not too many hills but enough to make it a challenge.
Looking forward to a good run under eight hours, give or take half an hour, hopefully trouble free. Of course the chance of thunderstorms may lead to a repeat of last Saturday, ah good job that I've had practice.

Of course the much bigger event this week was my sister Juliann having her baby girl, Maria Catherine whom I now get to share my birthday with. Wonder if she'll be a runner in a few years, no doubt she'll have Ger and Juliann running around after her to start with.
Congratulations to Ger and Juliann on the arrival of Maria Catherine Hayes.

Sixteen weeks to go.

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